Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Oldest Tale in the English Langage

Disaster and Calamity!

You remember the Saxon Army I painted up over the summer? Here they all are in their great plastic mead hall:

[Saxon Muster] 20110814

The Saxon king built his mead hall on the great cliffs of Shelf. There were rumblings among some that the mead hall was far too perilously high, but the king scoffed claiming that the view from atop the Shelf was much better. Besides, were not all within the mead hall protected by the magical floor that held fast the warrior's metal boots? Surely nothing unfortunate could happen.

But perhaps the aelfe heard the king's confident speech and worked their mischief. For while the warriors were firmly rooted the floor of the mead hall, the hall itself was not immune to their charms.

With a crash, the mead hall tumbled from Shelf. The violent drop disrupted the magic floor and all were thrown into confusion. Those rushing to the warrior's aid threw open the door to find everyone in a tangled heap and at first glance, a fearful carnage was expected.

But it takes more than a fall from the Shelf to break a Saxon! Man after man was extracted from the pile miraculously unharmed. Even so, the great army of the Saxons was decimated. Ten and three warriors suffered limb-rending wounds, one or two unfortunates losing both arms in the great fall. Fortunately, almost all of the wounded were Ceorls or Gebburs -- lowly warriors of no great importance.

In fact, the only casualty of note, was the king himself -- his left arm sheared clean off. The price of his hubris.

But then, a cunning wizard (who, it must be admitted, first suggested the idea of putting the mead hall on the Shelf) arrived with his magical salves Zap-A-Gap and Zip-Kicker. With some patient work, all of the injured were soon made whole, the mead hall was put back into good order and, very carefully, placed in a less visually exciting, but much safer location.

Heed well the lessons of the unfortunate Saxons! For you may not have a friendly wizard to hand!

p.s. *sigh* The most action these guys have seen in a month.

More Green Army Guys


Finished up the second platoon of US Army soldiers in 15mm for my modern-day games.

2nd Platoon

So the only thing left is the command squad (with company leaders, medic, radio guy and heavy machine guns). That should give me enough US forces to play the various Force on Force scenarios I have. I might round it out with a couple of specialists (sniper teams, bomb disposal, K9, etc.), but there's no pressing need for any at the moment.

I also need to kit out the Americans with a motor pool and I've already started work on that, but I'm gonna need a lot more. The US Army definitely represents Americans' love of cars.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Green Army Guys


So more work with 15mm soldiers. I painted up a batch of insurgents a couple weeks ago and they'll need someone to go up against, so last week, I did up a bunch of American army guys:

First Platoon

Yeah, they're not painted in Middle East cammo, but I'm also hoping to do some "what if" WWIII scenarios so they're European green. It's a pretty nice set up -- four squads with leader, M40 grenade lancher, SAW and rifleman. The platoon leader has a couple of riflemen and two Javelin anti-tank guys to work with.

I've got a second platoon identical to this and then a command staff to paint up and that should be more than enough US forces for most games I have in mind. I will, however, need to pick up another big stash of insurgent forces to provide a meaningful opposition.
