Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Big Little Dude


 So it's been quite some time since I last got any projects to the painting bench. Trying to sell the house meant everything was packed up. Now that things have settled down a bit, we can get on with some long-overdue projects.

 I'm in a gaming group that cycles through RPGs/GMs and last summer we started a game of Shadowrun 5th ed. We stopped after one or two sessions because the math involved in trying to work out whether or not your shot hit someone was so cumbersome it wasn't fun anymore. So that went on hiatus but we're going back to it and this time we're using GURPS as the sub-system to run it on. Of course, I always like to have a mini for my games, especially ones where the position matters. Not much in the way of Cyberpunk Trolls out there. This model by Reaper (Caine, Cybertroll #50287) was pretty much the only thing that fit the bill. So I picked him up, started him, put him down when the game went on hold and only just now have resurrected him to finish off the paint job.

 Here he is, front and back:

CyberTroll Ba-donka-donk

Pretty standard fair for me. Base colors, dip shade, and a bit of highlighting. I also found a bunch of "shell casing" miniatures that I clipped, painted and glued to the base. The casings aren't "to scale" with the mini-gun, but it would've been a real pain to clip, paint, and glue the smaller casings and this makes him look like more of a bad-ass anyway. The good news is that I'm also painting up some more figures so hopefully this blog will see some life again this year.
