Thursday, June 30, 2011

[Saxon Muster] They call it a Shieldwall


More painting. But it only took about an hour rather than the two-hour sessions I've been running up until this point. Today I painted on the belts/pouches/scabbards and, more colorfully, the shields. The shields are all freehand and very loosely based off of Saxon designs. But shields are fun and colorful and you get to change it up with each one.

I *totally* forgot to put a happy little tree on one of them, but I'll make a point to do that next time:

Saxon Muster 20110630

Tomorrow I give everyone a dip (a short, easy process that will forgive all my painting sins). Then I have to paint up the bases, give it a matte varnish and that's it. I figure I'll have the unit finished by Sunday.

On Monday, I'll base up the next unit -- gotta keep up the momentum.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

[Saxon Muster] Metal Bitz


Got more painting done tonight on the first unit of Saxons. Tonight I colored in the armor, spear tips and other metal bits and I also filled in the wooden parts (spear shafts, backs of shields, etc.). I also went over the front of the shields in white again so they'll be better able to take the color I'll apply next session:

[Saxon Muster] 20110629

Next time, I'll do the belts/pouches and shield fronts. That will pretty be the majority of the painting (save the bases which are easy and go last after the dipping).


Monday, June 27, 2011

[Saxon Muster] A Colorful Crew


Did more painting tonight. Got the pants and shirts on everyone as well as the hats for guys who aren't wearing helmets.

Saxon Muster 20110627

Won't be much longer and the first batch will be finished.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

[Saxon Muster] Not as Pale as the Scots


Got more work done on my first unit of Saxons. In a little under 2 hours I put on the flesh, hair and painted the foot gear.

Now they're looking like this:

Saxon Thegns 20110626

The photo isn't very good so it's hard to see the improvements. The next shot should be a lot more colorful since I'll be painting up the leggings and tunics.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

[Saxon Muster] Thegn of Fools


So I've been playing various historical miniature games with a bunch of guys at the Hobby Bunker in Malden. The group has decided they want to put on a campaign game for the Fall. They've chosen to do a Dark Ages Viking game using Warhammer Ancient Battles and its Shieldwall supplement.

So members will kit up a group of Vikings, Saxons, Welsh, Picts and so on and we'll duke it out for several weekends. The Vikings got snapped up fairly quickly, but I was interested in working with the Saxons so that's what I went with. Now all I needed were some figures. Luckily, one of the other members bought up a lot of Saxon figures before deciding to switch to Welsh. So I got around 100 figures, assembled and mounted for cost. Pretty good deal.

Now I've just got to paint 100 figures.

I've got a lot of time and for the early rounds I only need about 60 figures put together to meet the 500 points minimum. However, I'm easily distracted, so I'm putting together a schedule to get through everything and I'm posting my progress here so that I've got my unfinished work staring at me.

So, first up, a unit of 20 Thegns, armored in chainmail, with a leader bearing the dragon standard.

Saxon Thegns 20110623

I've mounted all the figures on film canisters using blue-tack. This gives me a handle to manipulate the figures and prevents hand cramp. Next, I based the figures in white jesso and then went back over the metal parts in black (this will make the metallic paint stand out better.

So early stages, but I'm making progress.
