Sunday, July 24, 2011

[Saxon Muster] I woud Thegn be finished


So although I've been very remiss about posting the in-progress photos, I've been working on another batch of Thegns for the Viking game I'm playing this fall. This batch of 20 is armed with swords and axes, but they'll probably be treated as carrying spears and joining in with the big blocks of spears/shields that the previous Thegns will be heading up.

I've finished everything but the leather accessories, the fronts of the shields and, as always, the lovely dip:

[Saxon Muster] 20110724

Sorry these came out so dark. I've had to paint these in my bedroom because the lovely air-conditioning makes it possible. Anyway, I should get these guys squared away this week and hopefully I can roll into the last group of Ceorls and a small pack of miscellaneous guys.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

[Saxon Muster] Getcher Gerburs


So here are the Geburs, my unit of archers, all dipped and based and ready to go:

[Saxon Muster] 20110716

I now have the minimum amount needed to take the field this fall, but I'm going to try and fill out the other 40-odd guys I have (another batch of Thegns and Ceorls, plus a leader and a few Viking mercenaries). But the immediate pressure is off.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

{Saxon Muster] They ain't Cupid, stupid


One thing about it, as the troops get less and less sophisticated, painting them up becomes easier and easier. The Geburs here are the bow-wielding skirmishers. Not much in the way or armor or bulky equipment to worry about, no shields or other fiddly bits, just the clothes on their back and the bows in their hands. The hardest part for these guys was the quiver of arrows glued to their backs -- some arrangements of poses and quivers made it hard to get the paint in the right place. Luckily, tomorrow afternoon, they go in the dip and all my problems will be solves.

[Saxon Muster] 20110713

I'm really jazzed that these guys are almost finished. That's 60 out of the 100 figures painted and it's enough that if I didn't paint anything else, I could show up in the fall and start playing. Of course, now that I'm on a roll, I'll try and keep up the momentum and get the other 40-odd figures painted up so that I've got a full spread to battle with. But at least the nagging worry I wouldn't have anything done is covered for the time being.

Anyway, I expect that missile fire in Warhammer Ancient Battles isn't going to be very telling (certainly not for this period), but I'm hoping to be able to blunt the Viking charge a bit before it crashes down on my blocks of foot soldiers. I guess we'll see.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

[Saxon Muster] That's the Ceorls Then


Once again, the dip did it's magic and my simply-painted minis look 1000% better (although with my half-assed photography, maybe that's not so apparent). Anyway, I dipped them, painted the bases, and sprayed them down with matte varnish to finish the unit off.

[Saxon Muster] 20110710

I've already got then next unit up on their cans and primed. This is a batch of Geburs -- low-ranking skirmishers who will be armed with bows and provide the missile fire for my army. Photos as they develop.


Friday, July 8, 2011

[Saxon Muster] Ready for their Bathtime


So I missed an update so this picture adds a lot from the previous one. I did up the metal/wood bits, the leather belts/pouches and the shield colors. If the weather improves this afternoon, I should be able to get them dipped. Otherwise, it'll have to wait until tomorrow sometime.

[Saxon Muster] 20110708


Monday, July 4, 2011

[Saxon Muster] I Got Ambitious


So I decided to take advantage of my day off and put in a double shift on my next unit of Saxons. This is a group of Ceorls, the Saxon equivalent of a medieval knight. They're professional warriors, but they don't actually hold land. Definitely second-stringers, but in game terms that means you can get lots of them cheap. The rules also say that as long as I'm leading a unit of warriors with my Thegns, the whole unit gets to benefit from the Thegns' superior morale.

What this means is that I'm using the Thegns as a base and then bulking them out with the cheaper Ceorls.

Also, because the models don't have chainmail, the whole thing goes a lot faster for painting. About half these guys have what looks like a quilted jerkin, so they've got a fairly plain color. The guys who couldn't even afford the padding get bright colors to strike fear into the enemy hearts.

[Saxon Muster] 20110604

So now all that's left is to paint up the metal/wood/leather bits, the shield, and then the lovely dip.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

[Saxon Muster] A Little Dip'll Do You


So the first unit of Saxons is finished. Twenty Saxon Thegns with spear and shield:

[Saxon Muster] 20110603

All the minis got "dipped", literally dipped into a pot of liquid that's very similar to wood stain. After getting a good coat, you shake the mini for a little bit and most of the stain flies off. What's left sticks to the nooks and crannies and the effect is heavy dark lines that make the rest of the color really pop. Then I painted the bases a forest green and went over all of it with a matte varnish (the dip leaves a shiny finish so this second coat dulls it down).

I'm amazed at how good my crappy paint job looks by dunking them in a stain. When I first heard about this technique it seemed the height of insanity, but I've used it on two projects now and it looks great.

A friend was over today and I showed them off. She gave me the highest compliment imaginable: "That's amazing, how do you paint all those little details?" That's pretty much my gob-smacked comment to all of my friends who can actually do good paint jobs so I'm rather chuffed by her appreciation.

Anyway, that's one unit down, another 2 to go before I've got the minimum to play and really another four to have a respectable force put together.
