So I decided to take advantage of my day off and put in a double shift on my next unit of Saxons. This is a group of Ceorls, the Saxon equivalent of a medieval knight. They're professional warriors, but they don't actually hold land. Definitely second-stringers, but in game terms that means you can get lots of them cheap. The rules also say that as long as I'm leading a unit of warriors with my Thegns, the whole unit gets to benefit from the Thegns' superior morale.
What this means is that I'm using the Thegns as a base and then bulking them out with the cheaper Ceorls.
Also, because the models don't have chainmail, the whole thing goes a lot faster for painting. About half these guys have what looks like a quilted jerkin, so they've got a fairly plain color. The guys who couldn't even afford the padding get bright colors to strike fear into the enemy hearts.
So now all that's left is to paint up the metal/wood/leather bits, the shield, and then the lovely dip.
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