Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Little Dudes and Littler Dudes


I painted some more minis this month and finally had a chance to photograph them for you.

So first up, last Spring I painted up a batch of WWII resistance fighters. I've always been fascinated with them and there was a good set out by Artizan. One of the guys I game with down at Hobby Bunker was also painting up a set and he had a few spare that he gave to me. So here they are:

Three for the Resistance!

There's a Femme Fatale, a grizzled vet, and an eager young man all out to stick it to Jerry. It's not super obvious in this photo but all three of them are carrying Molotov cocktails. So this brings my total resistance count to 27. They were a fun, fast paint.

Next up, a figure I've been dying to do for awhile. Gisbert, the Gnomish Barbarian. Reaper miniatures put out a Gnome Barbarian figure and it's a character I've been dying to play for a long time now. Recently, I got into a Pathfinder game so Gnomish Barbarian it was:

Gisbert!  Gnomish Barbarian!

I am extremely pleased with the way Gisbert turned out. Again, the photo doesn't really do a good job of detail, but for my level of painting skill, he's one of the better ones I've done. With this iteration of miniatures, I've started painting the dip onto the mini vs. dipping the mini in the dip and shaking off the excess. This gives a little more control over where the shading dip goes and, more importantly, spares your arms and shoulders from the shaking process. Anyway, here it does an excellent job of defining Gisbert's mighty muscles.

Finally, I really want to do some modern-era gaming. Vietnam, African conflicts, American operations in the Middle East and some "what-if" WWIII gaming in Europe. For this, I want to use the Force on Force rule set by Osprey Publishing. It's a fun set of skirmish level rules. But that means I'm going to need some figures. Since there are source books for Iraq and Afghanistan, and since Rebel Minis was having a sale, I picked up a bunch of figures and I just finished the batch of Insurgent figures:


If they seem a little small, that's because they are. I'm trying to go with 15mm figures instead of 28mm whenever I can. These "littler dudes" should be a bit faster to paint up although they are very small and getting even rudimentary detail on them can be a pain. Of course, I know guys who can paint these things down to the whites of the eyes, but I'm more interested in the miniatures as gaming pieces vs. models. Sure, I'd like to have a bunch of museum-quality paint jobs but I'd rather play more than paint.

To give you some idea of how small these guys are, here's a photo of a resistance fighter, Gisbert and an Insurgent fighter:

Size comparisons


But, I'm hoping I can crank out a lot of forces more quickly and storing them will be more efficient. Also, Gisbert, despite being a Gnome (and thus, hard-pressed to clear 4' in height) is bigger than the human fighter. Some of this is that fantasy figures are always a big "bigger than life" and some of it is that Gisbert would be singularly unimpressive (he'd only be a bit bigger than the 15mm figure if truly built to scale). Eh, I'll go with it. He was a great figure to paint.

So that's October. Next up, a batch of US troopers for our Insurgent friends to fight and then probably some more Insurgents (they usually arrive in pretty large groups and the 20 figures I have now, aren't enough).


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