Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Take me to your leaders


So at the tail end of 2011, I finished up some more little dudes, so here are the photos:

All of these are 15mm modern-era dudes I'm painting up for a game of Force on Force that I'll be running in early March.

First up, I finished off the Command Platoon for the US Army guys:

Command Platoon

There's a command squad with the platoon leader and sergeant, a radio guy, a medic, and two riflemen. There's a standard fireteam and a pair of Javelin-equipped tank hunter teams. Up front, you can see the platoon's heavy firepower in the form of five heavy machine gun teams.

This combined with the vehicles should take care of most of my needs for US forces.

Vehicles? Yeah:

US Heavy Metal

That's a pair of M1 Abrams tanks for those pesky fortifications and a brace of Bradley APCs to help transport all my soldiers to the fight.

These were the first vehicles I've ever painted up and they went really quickly. Which is good because the US motor pool still needs some filling out. I need a batch of Hummers (with various armament load outs), a Stryker or two, a couple of Amtrac AAV's, some LAV-25's, and some M113s (for Vietnam/80's Cold War scenarios). Expect to see a few more projects along these lines in 2012

That's a lot of stuff for the American's. How about beefing up the insurgent forces? Not a problem:

Insurgent Leaders and Riflemen

So these are 15mm minis from Peter Pig's line of Arab/PLO fighters. I picked them to provide a little variety to the forces and because the range includes some specialists types that the Rebel minis didn't have. In particular, they have dedicated commander figures and heavy weapon teams. This batch of 24 is mostly grunts armed with AK47's and a small group of leaders and a couple of radiomen.

Although I really like the bandit-masked gunmen from the Rebel Minis set, there was a lot more variety and interest in the Peter Pig figures and they look a little less rag-tag which means they could substitute as Iraqi regular forces.

Anyway, I've got one more batch of Irregulars on the way (heavy weapon teams with RPGs and MGs of various sorts). Then I've got enough guys to run the scenario I've got in mind for March. I could stand to have another batch of the Rebel Minis put together (in Force on Force games the insurgents usually show up in droves and die just as fast). They could also stand to have a few vehicles -- very likely pickup trucks with guns mounted on them, which are good for African conflicts as well. They could also stand to have a couple sniper teams, maybe a mortar or two, and some civilian mobs.

However, after this next batch of Insurgents, I've got a small mountain of lead to plow through. There's a group of "security contractors" and a batch of African militia/military troopers. I've also got a few more vehicles to put together and then we can turn to new stuff. Finally, there's a nice line of science-fiction troopers being put out by Khurasan minis that I might commission someone more talented than me to paint up. We'll see.

The summary by the way:

  • 113 25mm Plastic Saxons (Dark-Ages)
  • 23 25mm WWII Partisans
  • 1 25mm Gnomish Barbarian
  • 44 15mm Insurgents
  • 63 15mm US Infantry
  • 2 M1 Tanks
  • 5 Bradley APCs

Which is pretty much the most painting I've ever done in a year.


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