Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Little Dudes of the Far Future


 I've been pretty busy with a number of things the past couple of months but I haven't stopped painting up little dudes. I realized that I didn't show off the end of the New Vistula Legion (NVL) sci-fi forces I was painting up.

 So let's fix that. First up, some much needed heavy support:

NVL Heavy Weapon Teams

  You've got a pair of Heavy Machine Gun teams, a pair of Railgun Teams and two Mortar teams in the back. Considering the lack of vehicles for this group, they'll be depending on these guys for some time until I get a few toys for their motor pool.

  Finally, the big boss might drop by along with his retinue:

NVL Command Staff

  So you've got the overall commander, the staff sergeant, a communications officer, a couple of grunts and a driver/pilot. Although you can't see it really in this photo, the guy on the far right has a green mohawk. That was fun to do up.

  There was one more pack in the lot I picked up and that was a set of TV reporters. These guys seemed useful in both a futuristic and a modern day setting so I painted them up and gave them more of a desert base since I figure they'll probably see more modern-day Middle East/Africa action than far future stuff.

TV Crews

  Two reporters, two cameramen and two photo-journalists. It'll be nice to have these guys around mucking up the works and reporting on atrocities far and wide.

 Anyway, I'm happy to have these guys finished up. I can now play small battles with the sci-fi stuff I have so hopefully those guys will be hitting the table later this year.

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