Sunday, June 10, 2007

Welcome to Small Skirmishes!

My name is Tom and I’ve been interested in miniature wargaming since I started out with green army guys as a kid. Over the years I’ve gone from green army guys to brave dungeon explorers to space marines and genestealers to Necromunda gangs to Legions of Steel to Flintloque to Charlie Company and Heavy Gear. For a number of years though, my activity in miniatures was pretty minimal. This stemmed from a number of causes. Mostly I was never a terribly good painter, and I was spoiled rotten by gaming with a guy who won Golden Demon awards. His figures were excellent and he could always be bribed into painting up a few more of my guys when I needed it. With him doing all the heavy lifting all I had to do was show up and game.

And really, that’s mostly what I really want to do anyway. I know lots of people who really get into the painting and the modeling. I have nothing but respect for the people who put so much time and effort into that end of things. The links on the right to “Old School” Wargammers and their impressive battalions of figures, make that clear, but really, I’m mostly here for the gaming.

I suppose I could hire a painting service, but aside from the increased cost, it’s kind of dodging the issue. I have painted up a small crop of figures and while they’re no prize winners, they certainly aren’t as bad as Mr. Blue, Mr. Green, Mr. Red, etc. So I feel like if I put a little effort into it,I could certainly churn out perfectly good figures.

So the blog is here mainly to help me chart my progress at getting my various miniature projects done. It’s other purpose is to help organize the various miniature games/campaigns I want to play and make sure that I spend at least as much time playing games as I do preparing for them.

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