Monday, June 11, 2007

First Minis

So I thought that I'd start off my projects by picking up some 1/600th scale minis for Action Stations!, but I got a bit sidetracked.

Rattlehead Games announced that they were going to be raising prices on their imports so that their prices would better reflect the amazing disparity between the dollar and the pound. For some time now, I've been really interested in doing up a bunch of Spugs from Spriggan Miniatures. Spugs are insectile humanoid aliens. They've got a lot of nice clean poses and they're really interesting. I figure I can use them for SuperSystem and 5150.

Anyway, they have an Army deal where you get 3 squads of troopers, a squad of "jump spugs", a commander, and the terrifying Spugnaut. You get 28 figs and Rattlehead was offering it for $60 (with free shipping). It's a complete steal when you realize that it should go for around $70-75. So I snapped it up.

Now I have to paint them. Luckily I've got a lot of inspiration from this guy here. I'll have to get paints/brushes and get going on these guys. But I'm moving into my new home (the first home I ever bought actually). So it may be a bit of a slog in June. I'm considering taking my stuff down to Pandemonium as they have mini painting nights (Danger Planet might also).

The minis themselves? Fantastic. Very clean, crisp molds with only a little bit of flash here and there. Most of the models are one piece models. Some of the drones are 2-parters, but my test fittings show that they go together extremely well. The Jumpspugs will be a little more complex and the Spugnaut will have to wait until the end until I feel a little more confident in my skills.

I'll keep you posted on my progress here.

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