Monday, February 13, 2012

The Rabble Roused


I finished up more little dudes.

So first up, I needed to flesh out the heavy firepower for my Arab Insurgent forces. Peter Pig to the rescue:

Arab Insergents -- Heavy Weapons

So here we've got 8 guys armed with RPGs, another 8 with machine guns and up front there's three heavy machine guns and their crew.

I gotta say, Peter Pig continues to be some of the nicest 15mm miniatures I've worked with. Nice chunky detail, a variety of poses and little or no flash to clean off. My only big mistake is that I glued the HMG and the crew into place and then painted them all on one base. I should've painted them separately and assembled them when I was done. Ah well. I think they turned out well enough and now I've got plenty of guys for the Force on Force scenario early next month.

So with the minis painted up for my game, it was time to attack the mountain of lead and prep for some other projects. African conflicts have also been really interesting to me and I've got a bunch of African forces by Rebel Minis. This is the first batch, some African Militia:

African Militia

So Rebel Minis are pretty hit or miss. Most of the Insurgents and US Army guys turned out ok and the price offset the fact that the Peter Pig stuff is clearly better. This group? Kinda terrible. The legs/feet are kinda blobby and melt into the base. The detail just isn't very good and the models are all based off of three stock types and aren't very differentiated.

But it's good practice and large mobs can cover a lot of sins. But I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be sticking with Peter Pig figures for troops from here on out. Well...after I finish painting my remaining stocks of Rebel Minis that I picked up on sale.

I just wish someone made good Warsaw Pact figures in 15mm.

I also need to pick up a pin vice to get some vehicles assembled and some terrain pieces should be rolling off the line in the next couple of days.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to. I hope this game in March goes over well.


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