Friday, March 16, 2012

Now that we've taken over, we're the professional soldiers


More mini painting...

Here we have a batch of African Army regulars by Rebel Minis. It's 27 guys in uniform, beret and AK47:

African Army Regulars

The real problem here is that I don't have any guys with RPGs or light machine guns. It's possible that they're better trained than the militia I recently painted up but they may not have the firepower to beat them.

I'm pleased to announce that my "Mountain of Lead" has become something of a molehill. I've got one last batch of infantry to paint up -- some Private Military Contractors, plus a couple of civilian/hostage figures. And that's all my infantry. I'll still have one or two tanks but basically I'll have worked through the pile. I need to start thinking about what's next for me. I know I need to flesh out the motor pool for both the US and Insurgent forces (Hummers and Technicals). Beyond that, I'm not quite sure what will be needed. I also want to get started on the Cold War Russian troops so I can play my what-if WWIII games. And then there's the sci-fi stuff to consider.

Anyway, I've just about cleared my decks and I've actually played a game with the forces I painted up so I'm pretty happy.


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