Friday, July 13, 2012


 So a company called Khurasan Miniatures produces an excellent miniatures including a bewildering array of 15mm sci-fi ranges. In particular, their Nova Republik range is very well-rounded with infantry, tanks, APCs, and other equipment. I've been wanting to put together a full set of gear to form the core of my 15mm sci-fi collection.

Because the minis are so good, I was also determined that they should get a worthy paint job. A guy named Rich working at a company called Hobby Services regularly sells 15mm sci-fi groups on eBay. They usually get snapped up within a few hours of his posting them for sale. His work is great and he's been tapped by Osprey and Ground Zero Games to do the paint jobs for GZG's upcoming line of miniatures for Tomorrow's War (Osprey's sci-fi variant of Force on Force). So the guy has his chops down.

I got in touch with him and he agreed to take on the job. Earlier this week they showed up. So here's some little dudes I didn't paint, but I'm really happy I got someone else to paint for me.

Actually, his photos are better than what I normally do, so all these photos are by Rich as well. First up, the infantry:

Sci-Fi Infantry

There are about three squads worth of guys here, plus a couple of snipers and command staff figures. I wanted to go with a blue, urban-cammo kind of deal because, hey, it's me and I like blue. Let's get a close-up on these guys:

Sci-Fi Infantry Detail

I think this really shows how good Rich's work it. The little details like the night-vision optics, black-line work and stuff really make these guys pop. Of course, these guys will want some back-up:

Sci-Fi Heavy Weapon Teams

These are the heavy weapon teams. Plasma gunners, smart missile and smart mortar launchers all ready for action. In the front is a command base with holo-projector and staff runner. The holo-projector comes with a small square of acetate with a map on it. When you stick it in the slot, it looks like the projector is really causing the map to show up. It's a nice little touch.

Here's who you don't want to see standing next to that projector:

Pointy-Haired Boss

In the official range, this guy is listed as a political officer or commissar. My plan is to re-purpose the figures as a mercenary group called Thompson Security Products. So you're looking at the VP of Sales and Marketing for this sector. Too often, the long suffering company commander is just trying to run his operation when the VP shows up. At least the commissar would just shoot you for non-performance.

But how will we cart all these guys around?

Hedgehog APC

With Hedgehog APCs of course. One for each squad. The photo doesn't show the small turret but you can see the spot where they go. So the Hedgehogs can provide some fire support.

When you need a bit more fire support, you can call these guys:

Red Eagle MBT

A platoon of Red Eagle tanks. Incidentally, the cammo pattern was adapted from zebra camouflage used on Allied ships during WWII. The tanks were a little bumpy for a straight zebra pattern, but I think he did a good job. It may seem like poor camouflage, but my idea is that this is the "rest pattern" of the vehicle's Cuttlefish Active Camouflage System. When in motion, the vehicle's color is constantly adapting to what's around it. It's some of the most advanced tech the company possesses and it lets me do fun things like this.

So that's pretty good. What about some artillery?

Little Darling Semi-Autonomous Artillery Drone

The Little Darling Semi-Autonomous Artillery Drone (SAD) platoon. As you can see, there are a variety of swap-out turrets for direct fire, indirect rocket barrage and anti-aircraft missions. It was probably a little bit of overkill fitting out all the turrets, but I was indulging myself a little bit and they look sweet.

 Last, but not least, what's a sci-fi army without some power armor?

PA-3 Python Power Armor

A 2-man squad of Python power armor. These stand about twice the height of a man and provide heavy firepower in places the tracked armor can't get to. Again, a great looking batch of minis and I love the paint job.

So that's my group of professionals. They look even better in person than in the photos and I'm really jazzed at how well they came out. Now I just need to find some opponents and get them on to the table. Of course, the general rule of thumb is that the better a group of minis look, the worse they do when you play with them. Well, die in style I suppose.

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